Project FeederWatch season extended!
This news just came in from the team at Project FeederWatch...
We've extended the season!
We have some exciting news for all FeederWatch participants: we've extended the counting season through the end of April! Normally FeederWatch ends in early April, but we learned after last year's extension that many people enjoyed counting during the arrival of spring. Please enjoy these few extra weeks of FeederWatch. The last day to start a two-day count will be Thursday, April 29. Remember, you can count on a schedule of your choosing, so if you don't want to count in April that is okay too. Any counts you have made this season are valuable, even if you only counted once.
Things to keep in mind
With this extension into the spring season, you may see colorful birds like orioles, grosbeaks and buntings at your feeders—species that overwinter to the south of most FeederWatch locations. Note that you may be asked to confirm sightings of some of these summertime species because we are still refining our data checking system for April. We appreciate your patience with that. Additionally, springtime weather means bear activity may increase. If there are active bears in your area, please remove feeders for safety, and just count birds attracted to water features or plantings that you maintain within your count site. Finally, if you live in an area where there is currently a Salmonella outbreak, please be sure to follow guidance from local wildlife authorities. If they recommend keeping your feeders down for an extended period of time, you can simply count birds attracted to other features within your count site.
Thank you for FeederWatching!
Emma Greig Project FeederWatch