Volunteer with Lawrence Bird Alliance!
Lawrence Bird Alliance runs entirely on the energy of its volunteers, and we can always use more energy! Volunteering is a great way to connect with others who share your interests and love of nature. You can jump into an existing program, described below, or propose something new to our Board of Directors. In either case, contact our president if you want to join the fun and tell us where you would like to devote your energy.
Birdathon Committee
Annually held in early May, Birdathon is a LBA fundraising event where participants scan Douglas County and outlying areas for a 24-hour period to count and record as many bird species as possible. Sponsors pledge donations according to the total number of species observed by either an individual participant or by the Chapter as a whole. LBA uses proceeds from the Birdathon to benefit local conservation and environmental education projects and to support state projects through Audubon of Kansas. Volunteers are needed to secure pledges and participate in counting bird species.
Book & Feeder Sales
Members organize, order, and publicize various items such as bird feeders and educational books on birds, wildlife, and conservation to sell at monthly programs and annual birdseed sales.
Conservation Committee
Members monitor local, state, regional and national conservation issues that impact habitat for birds and other wildlife. Activities may include attending and/or participating in public meetings, reporting to the Board of Directors, and preparing written comments and letters. The Conservation Committee also develops educational programs for habitat preservation and restoration such as our Plants for Birds program.
Eagle Day Committee
Members help plan, organize and run the annual Kaw Valley Eagle Day each January.
Education Committee
Members involved in the Learning About Nature Project can choose from a variety of roles. These include planning and implementing field trips for elementary or middle school students, facilitating activities at wetlands or other outdoor locations during field trips, creating resources for teachers or facilitators, developing partnerships with other community organizations, and more. Members also explore ways to expand the project to other audiences. Some roles are ongoing throughout the year, while others are seasonal. For example, the need for field trip activity facilitators is greatest during fall and spring months. Field activities can engage students through science, history, art, music, writing, yoga—almost any area of expertise or type of interaction that inspires increased knowledge, understanding or enjoyment of nature. Developing a closer relationship with the natural world has countless benefits for both people and the flora, fauna and other life forms in ecosystems that sustain us all. Plus, it’s great fun!
Field Trips Committee
Members arrange and set up monthly outdoor field trip activities involving birdwatching and identification, Monarch butterfly tagging, fossil collecting, astronomy, photography, etc.
Member secures copies of Chapter documents (e.g., newsletters, correspondence, etc.) for submission to the LBA archives in the University of Kansas library system.
Hospitality Committee
Chairperson solicits volunteers to provide snack and beverage refreshments at monthly programs, and sends reminders and follow-up thank-you notes.
Membership Committee
Members receive new, transferring and expired membership subscription information for LBA members, update the chapter membership computer database, and prepare mailing labels for the chapter newsletter.
Membership Recruitment Committee
Members participate in activities to recruit and welcome new members at monthly programs and other public events where Lawrence Bird Alliance is represented.
Newsletter Contributor
Members write articles for our newsletter about local environmental affairs.
Program Committee
Members identify potential monthly program speakers and topics for approval by the board of directors. Contact and arrange food, lodging and travel logistics with program speakers. Obtain program information and title, speaker information for advertising and introduction purposes, and host speaker at dinner prior to the program.
Publicity Committee
Members prepare and submit press releases, graphics, etc., to local newspapers and businesses for advertising monthly programs, Eagles Day, and birdseed sales.
Seed Sales Committee
Members plan, organize and conduct 2–3 birdseed sales per year. Activities include obtaining birdseed price quotes from local suppliers and prepare birdseed sale order forms for advertising in the LBA newsletter and website. Additional volunteers are needed at each seed sale to unload and load birdseed, collect payments and sell books and bird feeders.