Contact Us
Lawrence Bird Alliance
PO Box 3741
Lawrence, KS 66046
Our Mission & History
The mission of the Lawrence Bird Alliance is to provide opportunities for greater understanding and appreciation of birds and other wildlife, to encourage sustainable practices, and to advocate for actions and policies which result in protection and preservation of intact ecological ecosystems.
We endeavor to promote this mission in all we do including education and awareness projects, field trips and public programs. We seek partnerships and work with other organizations locally, statewide, nationally and internationally to support those who share our goals and pass along opportunities for everyone to be involved in this mission.
Lawrence Bird Alliance was organized in 1970 and chartered by National Audubon in spring of 1971 under the name Jahawk Audubon Society Inc. The Board of Directors voted in 2023 to change our name to Lawrence Bird Alliance. All of our resources are available to the public free of charge and our meetings and field trips are always open to the public.
LBA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Donations are tax deductible.
Click here for the Constitution and By-Laws of Lawrence Bird Alliance.
Board Members
President: Kelly Barth
Vice President: Joseph Rogers
Recording and Corresponding Secretary: Pam Chaffee
Treasurer: Lynn Byczynski
Board Members At Large:
Debbie Baker, Jim Bresnahan, Lowen Millspaugh, Samantha Raugewitz
Committee Chairs:
Communications and Outreach - Lynn Byczynski
Conservation - Sam Raugewitz
Education - Sandy Sanders
Field Trips - Roger Boyd
Membership - Samantha Stopple
Programs - Kelly Barth
Publicity - Pam Chaffee
Bird Seed Sales - Pam Chaffee
Books and Feeders - Kathy Klocke
Newsletter Editor - Lynn Byczynski
Education - Sandy Sanders
Birdathon - Jim Bresnehan
Christmas Bird Count - Galen Pittman
Earth Day - Debbie Baker
Hospitality - Vacant
Historian - Ron Wolf
Audubon of Kansas Chapter Rep - Jim Bresnahan