Lawrence Bird Alliance is the chapter of the National Audubon Society serving Lawrence, Douglas County, and surrounding communities in eastern Kansas.
Our mission is to provide opportunities for greater understanding and appreciation of birds and other wildlife, to encourage sustainable practices, and to advocate for actions and policies which result in protection and preservation of intact ecosystems.
JOIN US! All of our resources are available to the public free of charge and our meetings and field trips are always open to the public. If you would like to become a member, the cost is just $20 per year for an individual membership. Click here for more membership information.

Bird Seed, Feeders, and Book Sale
Feb. 1 (Sat.) • 10 am-1 pm • Senior Resource Center
Please pre-order by Jan. 27

Upcoming Events
All events are free and open to everyone. All levels of interest and experience are invited. A few extra binoculars will be available for loan during field trips.

Eastern Kansas is a birder's paradise. See some of our favorite birding spots.
Local Birding Resources
Birds need food, shelter, water, and nesting sites. Gardeners can provide all four.
Our bi-annual bird seed sale is a great time to stock up on feed. Plus, special deals for members
Lawrence Bird Alliance runs entirely on the energy of volunteers, and we can always use more energy!
PARTICIPATE IN CITIZEN SCIENCE: Sign up for a Backyard Bird Count
Birding Guide 2024
This is the digital version of the birding guide put out by Lawrence Bird Alliance. We hope you find it a helpful resource.

Sign Up For Our Emails
Stay informed about upcoming Lawrence Bird Alliance events, learn more about the species in your area, and find opportunities to get involved.